Monday, August 22, 2011

Living in a Material World

I do not understand greed. I have never been able to relate to it. I know it's the foundation of capitalism for so many, but I could never befriend Gordon Gecko. I guess my needs are too simple. I have no need for a power car, a power tie or power lunches. Not that there's anything wrong with those things. I just have no interest. That's not meant to sound condescending either. I'm not really sure why I'm like that.

Do you know what the happiest country on Earth is? Trust me, there is relevance. It's Denmark. In fact, Denmark has been named the happiest country on Earth for most of the last quarter century. Most of this is based on a study of 80,000 people conducted by a researcher at the University of Leicester in England.

Beyond the statistical data, researchers attempted to answer the why. ABC News also interviewed several Danes to get their take. It turns out that one of the factors is that they have no equivalent of the American Dream. They do not measure success by money or status. They are not lazy. Just content. Oh, there are other factors such as the homogeniety of their society, but contentment with what they have seems to be a driving force.

Keep in mind, Denmark has one of the highest tax rates in the world. Danes pay anywhere from 50 to 70 percent of their income in taxes. But they don't complain. Why? Because they pay zero for healthcare and zero  for higher education. The government also takes care of children and the elderly better than most. And because the tax rate is so high, a banker is likely to be paid about the same as an artist, so careers are driven by a true interest in the occupation. What a weird concept, huh?

I know what you're thinking. Denmark?? Weather?? Shouldn't someplace like Fiji or Jamaica be the happiest place on Earth? I guess feeling safe, content and taken care of trumps sunshine. The Danish word for it is tryghed, which roughly translates as "tucked in." It is also not a multi-religious or multi-ethnic country for the most part, so they don't have race or religion to fight over. They don't have much to fight over at all.

And what about the United States? Shouldn't the wealthiest, most powerful, most ubiquitous place be the happiest place on Earth? Not even close. The United States finished 23rd in 2007, and that was before the Great Recession hit. We're never going to change. Immigrants continue to arrive on a daily basis seeking that American Dream. Maybe to make room, I'll move to Denmark. First, I'll buy a parka.

1 comment:

  1. It's no longer the American Dream like it was when people were coming over in boats at Ellis Island for a better life like my grandparents. Now it's come in and get all you can, soak up the resources and screw everyone else.
    Say yes to Denmark but didn't you say you should have been famous so you can pay people to do the things you don't want to do :)
    I Wish the Kardashians would get out of everyone's face. Talk about making millions off of doing Nothing!! Ugh!
