Friday, March 9, 2012

Countdown to Cinco de Mayhem

I decided to begin the countdown to my show today serrendipitously. However, there must be kismet in the air because there are 57 days left, and I turned 57 in December. I'm taking that as a sign. This is the culmination of more than a year and a half's work, and I can't believe it's almost here. I swear to you that I have never worked harder on a project, so we will see how much sweat equity pays off.

While this will be so much fun for me, it is designed as a learning tool for my students. I am involving students from public relations, broadcasting, theater, and even the music department. My hope is that they will learn by my example what can be accomplished with discipline, hard work and focus.

I can't believe how much has fallen into place. I began to panic about a month ago, thinking I was taking on too much and that I was never going to achieve my original vision. But I have had so much help and cooperation (most of it without pay) that I am now overwhelmed with the generosity instead of the magnitude of the show.

If the vision in my head is anywhere near realized, we will have such a good time on May 5th. I have successfully lost the 20 pounds I needed to get into "fighting shape." I physically run through the show at least once and sometimes twice a day, and I am completely exhausted at the end of the day. It is a superb exhaustion.

I have one costume in hand, another being shipped shortly and two more being made by a theater department student. My PR women are working on flyers and tickets, as well as electronic promotion of the show. You'll notice I'm not revealing much about the content of the show. That is purposeful. Those who do not know me will, I think, be entertained. Even though who know me well, I am certain, will be surprised. Only the people involved in the rehearsals will know the content.

I will continue blogging as often as I can with updates about the show, even though my days are about ten hours of work now. I hope you can attend. Westerville Central seats 750 and my PR pros tell me they will fill the seats. I would love nothing more. This is a bucket list checker-offer. See you there.

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